Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reactivation of BLOG

After a few years of constant distraction, I am re-activating "Quicumquevult". This will be a forum for me to post interesting (to me, at least) articles, photos and so forth (often with personal commentary) on items of interest to Orthodoxy in general and Western Rite Orthodoxy in particular. N.B. This is NOT an official BLOG of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, nor does it necessarily represent ROCOR's position on various issues (though I strive not to be in opposition to them either!). It will be, for the time being, the closest thing to an official site for Holyrood Chapel and Mount Royal Monastery.

Abbot David-Cuthbert

1 comment:

Bb said...

Oh, how splendid! I had managed to miss, Father David, that you had started blogging again. I do check in here from time to time in anticipation and am glad to find new posts. Please do keep on at it.